Thursday, March 21, 2013

Livin' the Southern Life

Well I recently was informed that I don't put pictures up anymore!  So here is a glimpse of what the Johnsons have been up to for that last few months!
We are living in Midland, TX for next 6-8 months (depends on how long Jordan's project goes for the company he is working for right now.  Same company he worked for last year).  So we are enjoying the warm weather and spending time with Jordan's brother Chase and their family. 

 While Jordan works his 10 hour shift (60 hour week), McKenna and I find lots to do together.  We love school time, library/story time, playing at the park and hanging out with cousins.  She is getting so big and so smart! She knows all her letters and recognizes all her numbers up to 10! She is full of energy and plays pretend all day long.  Our names change all day long-Princess Mommy and Princess McKenna, Little Foot and Peatree, Dora and Boots, etc. :)    

Jordan and I still find time to do fun things to do (well fun for a desert!).  Our latest hobby is tennis-our new weekly date night (free and fun!:)

Jordan's 25th Birthday!
(mountain dew cupcakes-delicious!)

We miss all our friends and family back home and send all our love!